Input – Session speakers

Thank you for participating in our event. Please use the form below to provide us with the basic input for your session. If at any point in the future you want to add to the info provided below or you want to change something, you can contact

"(Required)" geeft vereiste velden aan

Who are you?

This will not be shared with the public
This will not be shared with the public
Ideally around 100-150 words
Sleep bestanden hierheen of
Toegestane bestandstypen: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, Max. bestandsgrootte: 5 MB, Max. aantal bestanden: 5.
    At least one picture of your face, minimum 500x500px. You can add multiple pictures if you like.

    What are you speaking about?

    Please give us a first rough indication of what you'll be speaking about. You can refine this at a later date.
    Who is your speech/session best suited for?(Required)
    Pick as many as you'd like
    Max. bestandsgrootte: 32 MB.
    Careful, this will be publicly shared
    Tools, places to find more info, a link to your company's website... We'll put this publicly on the event website.

    Where can people find you?

    Please ad any social media profile or website link where people can find you.

    And just for fun...

    This can be related to your talk or just in general.